
And of clay are we created by isabel allende pdf
And of clay are we created by isabel allende pdf

and of clay are we created by isabel allende pdf and of clay are we created by isabel allende pdf

25.) In what sense is the narrator "there" with Rolf? (line 140)? She's watching him on TV. The last two sentences suggest that Rolf is protective and strong, with great emotional, mental, and physical endurance. We learn that Azucena is 13 and has not traveled outside her town. 24.) What can we infer about Rolf and Azucena from the author's use of characterization between 108-124? Rolf is caring, optimistic, and uninformed about women and girls. What do you think that is about? Perhaps people in her position (e.g., the poor) have come to accept their miserable lot in life. 23.) In spite of her difficult situation, Azucena doesn't seem terribly worried, "as if an ancestral resignation allowed her to accept her fate" (lines 87-90). 22.) What do Rolf's efforts to save Azucena say about him? Rolf's efforts suggest that he is resourceful, determined, compassionate, and brave (lines 89-100). 21.) Why can't Azucena be freed? Her foot is stuck. Rolf remains optimistic, doing everything he can to rescue her. 20.) In what way does Azucena show tenacity? Rolf? She hangs on for dear life. 19.) How well does Rolf fulfill his role as a journalist during the crisis? Not very well, e.g., by getting down in the muck. 15.) What was the estimated death toll of the event in the story? 20,000 + dead 16.) What advantage did Rolf Carlé have? TV helicopter 17.) What is the narrator's relationship to Rolf Carlé? Boyfriend 18.) The narrator says of Rolf, 'I believe that the lens of a camera had a strange effect on him it was as if it transported him to a different time from which he could watch events without actually participating in them' (lines 47-49).What does this hint at? His job is a way for him to remain distant from his own dark past / emotions. 14.) What is the significance of Nevada del Ruiz in Colombia in 1985? It is the real-life tragedy on which the story was inspired.

and of clay are we created by isabel allende pdf

12.) What lines introduce the setting and the central conflict? 1-10 13.) How did the world come to know her? TV crews descended on the area. 11.) What is especially tragic about the event? (Was it unavoidable?) There were seismic / geological warnings at first.

And of clay are we created by isabel allende pdf